How to Write an Essay (95+).

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Do you feel difficulty when you have to write an essay in English? Do you think that essay-writing is a dull (नीरस) job? Perhaps you you do not know How To Write An Essay In English. Do not lose heart. You can learn to write an essay.

Do you know the meaning of the word essay? The word essay means a trial (प्रयत्न) or attempt. When you are asked to write an essay, you are expected to express your ideas on the given subject in a systematic (क्रमबद्ध) way. Essay-writing is an art. You can learn it by practice. You should make up your mind to write essays regularly (नियमित रूप से). After reading some essay you will feel that essay-writing is a delightful (आनंददायक) work.

Before you attempt to write an essay, think about the given subject. As you think about the subject, ideas will pass through your mind. Put these ideas down on a piece of paper. Then arrange them in a systematic way. Prepare an outline (रूपरेखा). If you write a paragraph on each point, you can easily write the essay.

Begin your essay in a direct and straightforward (प्रत्यक्ष) manner. The beginning of an essay must be striking (आकर्षक) and interesting (रोचक). The introductory (प्रारम्भ) paragraph must be brief. Express your ideas in a systematic way. Arrange your ideas in different paragraphs. The last paragraph should be striking, short, and natural. It should contain the conclusion (निष्कर्ष). It must leave a distinct (स्पष्ट) impression (छाप) on the reader’s mind.

Try to make your essay interesting. Say what you have to say in a forceful (प्रभावपूर्ण ) manner.

Write your essay in an easy, natural and correct language. You cannot secure good marks if you do not write the essay in correct language. Do not use words which you cannot spell correctly. Guard against grammatical (व्याकरण-संबंधी) mistakes. Try to avoid writing long sentences. Be careful about the punctuation. Revise your essay and correct the mistakes which might have crept into it.

These rules will help you to learn the art of essay-writing. Read the essays given in this book carefully. They will help you to learn how to express your ideas on a given subject.

Section 1

School Life

1.My School
3.Your School Library
4.The School Debating Society
5.School Games
6.Republic Day in Your School
7.The Prize-giving Day to Your School
8.The Visit of a Great Man to Your School
9.The Teacher I Like Most
10.The Teacher I Like Most
11.The Best Boy of Your School
12.The Most wicked Boy in Your School
13.An Hour Before The Examination
14.The First Day of Examination
School Life

Persons and Characters

1.The Indian Farmer (Peasant)
2.The Washer-man
3.The Barber
4.The Postman
5.The Begger
6.The Street Hawker
7.The Rickshaw-Puller
8.The Railway Coolie
9.The Work of a Policeman
10.The Person You Like Most
11.Your Neighbour
Persons and Characters

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